Monday 9 April 2012

Film Poster

After making our film we got given two additional tasks of making a movie poster for our film and a double page magazine film review.
This is the process of stage I went through to make my movie poster. Firstly we did a photo shoot in the school studio of each character then combined pictures. Film Noir is known for its dark shadows and low key lighting so this was a crucial stage of the shoot

To the left are the contact sheets I made after the photo shoot. I had to go through all of these photos individually and select the one’s that would be suitable to use for a poster.

Above shows different stage of the photo shoot. Once I had selected my pictures I imported them into Photoshop CS5. These are the three picture i chose to use. I merged them together to make one picture by dragging and dropping one picture over another. Then my changing the opacity I could control how dominante each was in the picture.
Once I had made the picture and exported it, I inserted it into a word document. Here I added the text and any final effects. I made the words ‘Blackmail’ blurred like smoke because I felt it gave the effect of a smoking gun after it had been shot which tied in nicely with the film. The other text was in a simple typewriter font which linked in well with Clark’s newspaper business and the newspapers.

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