Wednesday 4 April 2012


Before creating our own screenplay for Blackmail, we thought it would be a good idea to do some research on screenplays beforehand and what we need to include. We analysed the ‘screenplay study guide’ in order to expand our knowledge.
The screenplay of a film (also known as the script) contains much more than the dialogue. It is, in effect, a written description of the film encompassing everything from descriptions of the characters and their actions, through detail of costumes, props and sets to instructions for camera and other technical crew. A screenplay should be drafted and re drafted many times before the film is finished. Who scenes are often cut and added, characters may be eliminated or introduced, and actors may suggest changes to the dialogue. Technical problems during filming may also lead to changes to the screenplay. Each scene should be individually numbered, with directions as to where the action will take place and what time of day. 
 NB INT = interior EXT= exterior

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